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Potenza Orthoblue Orthodontic Cement

Potenza Orthoblue PHS Orthodontic Bite Lift Cement is suitable for making temporary occlusal lifts and for cementing orthodontic bands.

It has a self-adhesive formula, which does not require the application of adhesives, ideal for places of great mechanical effort as it maximizes the adhesive resistance of the material to the tooth. And in applications on teeth with complex occlusal surface, as it improves sealing.

– Making temporary occlusal lifts.

– Cementation of orthodontic bands.


– Blue or green coloring: assists in the application and removal of the product.

– Light cured: allows you to control the working time.

– Self-adhesive formula: no application of adhesive. (Note: in places of great mechanical effort, the application of the adhesive is indicated as it maximizes the adhesive resistance of the material to the tooth. The adhesive is also indicated for application on teeth with complex occlusal surface, as it improves sealing).

– High-smooth surface: the nanometric spheroidal loads present in the product reduce friction, favoring sliding with the opposing teeth.

– Self-levelling capacity: facilitates the creation of lifts with greater precision.

– Contains fluoride.


How to use: Occlusal Lifts

1st Step : Clean the tooth that will receive the occlusal lift with a Robinson brush and pumice stone with water. Condition the occlusal surface with 35% phosphoric acid (eg Potenza Attacco 35, PHS) for 30s, then wash and dry. Keep the tooth isolated and dry.

Note: in cases of deep occlusal grooves or areas of great masticatory effort, apply adhesive on the occlusal surface. This increases the sealing ability and bond strength of the resin to the tooth.




Step 2 : Apply a small amount of Orthoblue to the occlusal surface and shape as needed. Upon reaching the desired shape, light cure the resin for 30s. If necessary, further increments can be made to make up for the intended use.


How to use: Cementing bands

1st Step : Clean the tooth that will receive the band with a Robinson brush and pumice stone with water. Condition their free faces (buccal and palatal/lingual) with 35% phosphoric acid (eg Potenza Attacco 35, PHS) for 30s, then wash and dry. Keep the tooth isolated and dry.


2nd Step : Roughen the inner part of the band with abrasive tips or blasting with aluminum oxide.


3rd Step : Apply a thin layer of Orthoblue on the inner perimeter of the band, covering the area corresponding to the free surfaces (buccal and lingual or palatal). Avoid applying the resin to the proximal faces to avoid band misfit.


4th Step : Seat the band to the tooth until it is perfectly adapted and remove the excess cement that overflows from the margins. Be sure not to leave any gaps between the tooth/band that are not filled by the cement. 


5th Step : Light cure the cement by focusing the light beam of the device by occlusal along the entire tooth/band interface for 30s. Make sure there is no excess cement in the proximal areas, allowing for correct flossing.

Items included

1 syringe with 4.5g of product + Application Tip + Instructions for use.