Omnichroma Blocker Composite

Omnichroma Blocker is a composite composite complementary to the Omnichroma line, with an extra-opaque characteristic and universal color (similar to A2). The resin must be used according to the conventional adhesive protocol, and is recommended for cases where it is necessary to mask a darkened background.

Use Omnichroma Blocker whenever you need to neutralize the presence of a darkened background or when there is a small thickness of tooth remnant.

– Avoid color matching interference in large Class III and IV restorations.

– Mask the amalgam stain.

– Mask the teeth and dark dentines.

– Rebuild a highly opaque tooth.


– Universal composite that esthetically matches all patients, from A1 to D4, with a single color.

– Its uniformly sized supra-nano spherical fillers (260nm spherical SiO2-ZrO2) allow it to match each of VITA’s 16 classic colors, a science we call Smart Chromatic Technology.

– Its extensive color matching capability eliminates the shade taking procedure, reducing composite inventory and saving clinicians time and money.

– Impressive aesthetics:

– Unprecedented color matching.

– The shade blends both before and after lightening.

– High polishability.

– Excellent Physical-Mechanical Properties:

– Greater wear resistance.

– High compressive strength.

– Exceptional treatment.

– Validity: 3 years after the date of manufacture.


Items included

Pack of 1 syringe of 4g.