– Supra-nano particulate resin.
– Nature: Silica-zirconia.
– Morphology: Spherical.
– Average size: 0.2 µm.
– Monodisperse = all particles have homogeneous dimensions.
– Concentration by weight: 82%.
– Concentration by volume: 71%.
– Organic phase (monomers): Bis-GMA and TEGDMA.
– Vickers hardness: 42 HV.
– Cure depth: 4.5 mm (Assuming halogen light curing light with 800 mW/cm2 power, 400-500 nm wavelength and activated for 10 seconds).
– Working time: 90 seconds (Assuming 10,000 lx ambient lighting).
– Linear polymerization shrinkage: 1.3%.
– Shrinkage tension: 0.7 Mpa.
– Flexural strength: 120 Mpa.
– Surface gloss: 92% (Specimen sanded with #1500 sandpaper + Soflex Extra Fine disc (3M ESPE) for 60 seconds in water).
– Color stability: ΔE 3.2 (Specimen immersed in coffee for 24h at 80o C).
– Real chameleon effect : Colors harmonize easily with the remaining tooth structure. The same shade can be used on teeth of different shades and still produce imperceptible restorations. This is due to the balance of light refraction and reflection phenomena, and the way light is dissipated in the restoration, leaving the tooth/resin line diffused. (ref 1-4).
– RAP polymerization system: Exclusive photoinitiator system with several clinical benefits.
Shorter curing time5: Light curing times range from 3s to 20s. There is a direct relationship between the exposure time and the power of the light-curing device, as shown in the table:

(ref 5)
– High working time: 90 seconds exposed to 10,000 lx.
Some dental halogen reflectors have light intensity regulation (eg from 8,000lx to 30,000lx). In this case, it is even possible to work with the reflector directed towards the operative field and still obtain a comfortable working time.
– Increase in curing depth and surface hardness : the curing depth reveals the depth of the mass that has been sensitized by the light of the curing light. This characteristic directly affects the size of the increments to be inserted into the cavity during a restoration. The hardness is directly related to the curing depth, and even helps in its measurement. Both characteristics are linked to the photoinitiator system, in this case the RAP, which enhances the cure of the composite. (ref 6)
– Unparalleled Handling : This is a clinical feature that impresses and distinguishes Palfique LX5 from any other competitor worldwide. The balanced flow of the composite makes the use of spatulas and brushes very pleasant, allowing sculpting in less clinical time. In layering, the layers are precisely blended together easily.
– High level of polish and shine : The balanced distribution, the homogeneous size and the regular spherical shape of the filler particles combined with the resin matrix produce a smooth and shiny surface for the restorations. In addition to aesthetics, this characteristic favors low bacterial adhesion. (ref 7-21)
– Gloss maintenance capacity : The perfectly spherical load reduces friction, favoring slippage during abrasion of the surface of the restoration, which prevents the removal of surface particles and consequent imperfections that can reduce the smoothness/gloss of the restorations. (ref 22-23)
– Excellent clinical performance : The Dental Advisor group has been conducting controlled clinical trials with the composite since 2007 and has been awarding it since then. The clinical evaluation includes practical aspects of the product (eg, correcting the color and viscosity) as well as monitoring the longevity of the restorations performed (eg, occurrence of eventual cracks, displacements, stains, etc.). (ref 24)
– Long-term color stability : The color instability of a composite can be attributed to extrinsic factors, but the most influential are intrinsic (inherent in the composite itself). A material with low water sorption, high filler/resin matrix ratio, reduced particle size, suitable filler silanizing agent, etc. can bring greater color stability to the restoration, favoring long-term restoration success, especially in esthetic areas. (ref 25-30)
– Low polymerization shrinkage : The formation of a polymeric network generates a volumetric reduction of the composite. Depending on the cavity configuration and the bonded surface area (tooth-restoration interface), this phenomenon can generate excessive stresses that cause microcracks and fissures in the restoration margins. Thus, it is essential to use an adequate restorative technique and a correct light-curing protocol, in addition to using a restorative material with low shrinkage. (ref 31-38)
– High mechanical strength : Resistance to traction, compression and bending forces can provide important indications of the material’s mechanical strength. Restorations indicated for posterior teeth must have high strength to adequately perform their rehabilitative role. (ref 38-39)
– High resistance to wear : The abrasion caused by food during the chewing cycle and the stresses generated by dental contacts are the major external factors responsible for wear on the restorative material. Depending on the characteristics of the composite, greater or lesser wear may occur. This property must be very balanced so that the integrity of the restoration is preserved and at the same time there is no excessive wear of the opposing tooth to the restored one due to excessive hardness of the composite. (ref 38/40/41)
– High surface microhardness : Hardness can be defined as the material’s resistance to permanent indentation of its surface. This characteristic influences the mechanical strength, stiffness and wear of the composite. The type, size and concentration of the composite filler as well as the degree of conversion of its resin matrix are correlated with this property. (ref 42)
– Opalescence compatible with that of dental enamel : The peculiar opalescence of dental enamel can be mimicked with certain colors of the composite, recreating this effect naturally. (ref 43)
– Excellent adaptation to the cavity : The balanced viscosity of the material favors its seating in cavities, generating a tight tooth/resin interface that is essential for the proper performance of the restoration. (ref 44)
– Radiopaque : Level of radiopacity in accordance with the ISO 4049 standard, allowing for imaging diagnosis. (ref 45)